to the children

When I think of our little ones growing up in a world that is full of so much hatred and pride, chaos and confusion, at times I want to just put them in a bubble and protect them from the darkness and pain. I wish that I could bottle up their inquisitive and honest questions and thoughts, as a way perhaps to guard their hearts from becoming tainted by the world around them. I wish that I could promise them a future that would be free from evil and deception. But I know that those things are not in my control. I can nurture them in love and compassion, teaching them to be kind and caring to all people, encouraging them to be generous and joyful. I can help them discover who they are, their unique gifts and talents, the special purpose they have been created for. I can pray, crying out to God to bring peace to our world, asking that all children will have a loving home in which they receive a foundation for how to navigate this complicated life. At times I feel unprepared myself, as to how to think clearly and make wise choices - how can I really teach the little ones to do the same? So again I pray - give me wisdom, give me a heart that breaks with the things that break God's heart, give me eyes to see those things that in my own weakness I brush off as interruptions in my day. May our children know truth and believe that there is goodness and joy in this life - even when things may grow dark around them. This is my hope and prayer not just for own children, but for all the children in the world.

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