prayer - a great adventure

This week I was reading some reflections of one of my favourite authors, Henri Nouwen. In his book The Only Necessary Thing - Living a Prayerful Life, he was speaking about the nature of prayer. He said:

Prayer is often considered a weakness, a support system, which is used when we can no longer help ourselves. But that is only true when the God of our prayers is created in our own image and adapted to our own needs and concerns. When, however, prayer makes us reach out to God, not on our own but on God's terms, then prayer pulls away from self-preoccupations, encourages us to leave familiar ground, and challenges us to enter into a new world which cannot be contained within the narrow boundaries of our mind or heart. Prayer, therefore, is a great adventure because the God with whom we enter into a new relationship is greater than we are and defies all our calculations and predictions.

As I reflected on my own life of prayer, I wondered how often I come to prayer on my own terms instead of on God's terms. I think this is especially true when I think I know how God should answer my prayers. I assume I will see God answer in a certain way, instead of coming to prayer as a "great adventure."

The other day I was praying about a situation in my life and asking God to lead and guide me, and I realized that in fact, I had it all figured out how God should answer. Pretty amazing, hey?! :) Then I remembered what Nouwen had said about prayer being a great adventure because of the God to whom we pray - and I felt God say to me, "Jen, just let me work out the details...I have it planned out even better than you could imagine!" I humbly replied, "Oh right, YOU are God for a reason!"

I need to continually come to God in prayer in order to be with him, to grow in my relationship with him, to commune with him. I need to come as one who is ready for a great adventure, because I serve a God who is bigger than the puny ideas in my mind or heart. What a privilege to come and reach out to him in all things!

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